

编辑:小编酱 来源:编辑铺 时间:2023-08-18


和平精英首选第一位,之前玩的兽人必须死也不错,还有就是dnf,就是有点肝 穿越火线也一直在玩

英语演讲稿 《我的偶像》 最好是迈克 杰克逊的 两三分钟的 快.

There was a place in your heart, I know that there is full of love, in this place without pain and sorrow; if you really tried, you will find there is no crying, better tomorrow than it ... "
This is his creation of the world's children's songs, so many years, he was alone on the silent support of the world's 39 charitable organizations, donated money to or about RMB 20 billion, he is has been a misunderstanding of, heart was full of passion, dreams and love - Michael Jackson.
I do not chasing, not like others to do the "fan", so just watching other people do not realize their own dreams. Michael is the music industry and professions, is worth learning a legend! People admire his miracles, people staggering; He was very humble, and even make you feel that he is "please," you, you can not imagine he is hundreds of millions of rich; his generosity, and his love of the world very respectable!
Michael is a musical all-rounder, has surpassed the achievements of Elvis, by the world recognized the King of Pop King of pop. Guinness rating him "the world's most successful artist" in the lyricist, composer, choreographer, stage design He is a versatile last, when music sounded, he would deep in the rhythm of the world, forget the things around there, let the body with the free dance music, did not think that is what the next action, he practiced too many types of dance, so that mastery, even you can see from his performance in ballet, tap dance, Indian dance, African indigenous dance shadow, he will integrate many of the world dances into their own style, looks very unique , as long as you enter the Internet, "Lord of the Dance," the word, and found the result is - Michael Jackson, Michael Jackson, some people ask is male or female? I really want to ask your father is male or female?
Like most singers are not the same as Michael's enthusiasm for music with first, and later created the commercial value of a miracle. This is hard to get now is a society that many people first consider a good job, how much money or work for a decent choice. Proved only for the ideal love, loyalty, and even obsession, in order to do one thing really the best! Michael created the world's most famous album, "those who tremble", sold 104 million, genuine global album sales have reached 7.5 as much as billion, was "Guinness Book of World Records", so far no one can break the sales, and now singer who sold one million records had been very valuable, and he Jingmai the last one hundred million! really is a miracle; because of his every concert ticket sold out, while waiting on the sidelines of the many hundreds of thousands of people there.
Ronald Reagan, former U.S. President George W. Bush invited him to visit the White House; in the United Kingdom, Prince Charles and Princess Diana in person to see him in concert and met him; Clinton's inauguration, the President personally about his appearance ... although this show ... and not much of his professional relationship, but as a singer, is indeed a great honor, he is such a legend with his years of hard struggle of the results, we only see his glamorous side, may be behind the stage who know the sweat and pay?
Michael was born in general, poor family, had nine brothers and sisters, but there was no social status of blacks, whites are often bullied and even beaten, after these experiences to his writing provides a great source of ideas, so he is concerned about race and war, South African President Nelson Mandela and his frequent discussion of racial solidarity, he created a lot of songs about world peace, it has twice been nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize the world.
Michael never had a childhood, his success was largely lost their childhood exchange, this is really a high price for a child has no friends, never had birthday, have not had Christmas, year-old on stage to sing to home make ends meet, often sung morning three or four o'clock, the guests still pick up ground after his tip to take home to his father, his father see him staring at him on a daily basis the most promising dance practice, but also allowed him out to play can only be dancing, then dancing, because dance he often can not sleep night after night, 5 years it! He never knew what kind of world children do not know what the kids play. Once, he secretly ran out to play, the results found by his father, is home meal Henda, he later recalled, his father was turned out he used to play electric iron ... but this harsh and demanding to his dance laid the foundation for his career.
His love of the world's more respected, he is the world's largest donations by individuals who, over the years, came to his house at least a million more children, especially children with disabilities. He said he wanted the child to create a better world, he has vowed to prevent a child can not afford to eat rice, cure disease, all children in Africa, so he put himself into a nursing home, so come here to treat sick children, he was afraid children lose confidence, they built the world's most luxurious room, ward, there are cinemas, theaters, Disneyland. Michael, a friend said: "never seen a star spend so much money on this."
Michael burst of passion on the stage I am shocked, he gave me great encouragement, his life has been showing the Qiji to people, even to his last hours, he also remains standing on stage rehearsing. He sang the last concert, in just four hours on sold out tickets worldwide, some 50 sites, the relationship with David Beckham that he did not care to sell ... ...
Such a legendary person, we can learn too much, too much. He is gone, I occasionally looked at his MV feeling he stood on the stage by emitting a unique atmosphere, a strong sense of his success, is a passion; a desire; an air spirit; supporting his soul, which, I thought of his own life; us life, we do not like him on stage is a dream singer, but we have a desire for a better life, come on! With this desire! Just like him! On the stage of life bursting out beautiful luster!
我从不追星,也不喜欢做他人的“粉丝” ,那样只是在看着别人做自己无法实现的梦.迈克尔是音乐界的顶尖人物,是一个值得学习的传奇!他创造的奇迹让人佩服,使人瞠目结舌;他为人极为谦逊,甚至让你觉得他是在“讨好”你,你无法想象他是个亿万富翁;他的慷慨,还有他对世界的爱心非常令人尊敬!
迈克尔是音乐方面的全才,成就已经超越了猫王,被世界公认为流行音乐之王King of pop.吉尼斯评他为“世界上最成功的艺术家”在作词、作曲、编舞、舞台设计上他是个全能,每当音乐响起,他就会深陷在节奏的世界里,忘记了身边事物的存在,让身体随着音乐自由舞动,根本不去想下一个动作该是什么,他练过太多种类的舞蹈,以致融会贯通,甚至你能从他的表演中看到芭蕾舞、踢踏舞、印度舞、非洲土著舞的影子,他将世界上诸多舞种融合成自己的风格,看起来非常独特,只要你上网输入“舞王”二字 ,搜出的结果就是—迈克尔·杰克逊 ,有的人问迈克尔杰克逊是男是女?我真的很想问你的爸爸是男是女?


春天是个好季节,经典老歌! 周华健的!《花心》

